
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Please help if you can...

Hello again faithful readers! I need your help! Since I originally raised enough funds for only ten months, I will need to raise $8,000 more. Typically I spend about $500 each month, with the greatest part going to student loans, food, church, transportation, calling cards, and teaching supplies. In addition, I will need about $1,000 for airfare. Don´t think that just because I´m getting married my work here will cease. On the contrary, I feel like I will be able to do even more with José Luis´ continual support. We have already been busy working together to lead the youth group, evangelize, visit some of the sick and elderly of the congregation, and start a new young couple´s group. With your help I can not only continue to live in Mexico and continue with each of the projects I have already been involved in, but be even more effective in helping the church and preaching schools to grow—in love, faith, and enthusiasm as much as in numbers.

If you are willing and able to make a donation, you may send checks directly to my parents´ address (please make note of the new address!) and I will deposit them into my checking account as soon as possible. I will be ¨home¨visiting at that address from May 13-June 4 if anyone would like to call and ask me any questions during that time. Or, you may send checks to the Global Missions office, and the Global Missions staff will hold the money for me in an account. (If so, don´t forget to note my name on the memo line!) You may either send a one-time amount or send something once a month. Here are the addresses:

21st Century Global Missions
2005 South Adams Street

P.O. Box 277
Fulton, MS 38843

The Pelfreys
125 Springhouse Lane
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Thank you so much for your sincere desire to help me in this missionary effort! I don´t know how I could ever do it without your emotional and financial support. Of course, prayers are always appreciated, as well.



Anonymous said...

congratulations on finding the love of your life! best wishes as you plan your wedding. we miss you and your sweet family at MJ!
--stephanie porter

Tabby said...

I didn't know you were in! I guess I haven't checked your blog in a while. :/ Hope you had a great visit, and I will continue to keep your mission work in my prayers.

Tabitha Simmons