
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Todavía no entiendo a las mujeres...

According to one of my TSU professors, anyone living in a new place goes through five stages lasting anywhere from a week to a year: first the ¨honeymoon¨stage, then culture shock, and eventually adaptation (I don´t remember the other two stages). I think I can safely say I´m past the honeymoon stage and moving into culture shock. I am still perfectly happy here, don´t get me wrong, but lately a lot of things have been bothering me that I know SHOULDN´T bother me that much. So I´m going to devote much of this blog to sharing some of those bothers, simply because I know any Americans will at least understand where I´m coming from and I will feel better about these little issues afterwards.

First, I am still appalled by most womens´attitudes here to cook, care for their family hand and foot--and nothing else. While there is certainly nothing wrong with those noble actions, I can´t help but wonder sometimes if there is really anything going through their heads other than what they´re going to prepare for the next meal or when they´re going to sleep. I am reading Gone With the Wind right now, and the women here remind me so much of the women in the Confederate, Civil War south. On Saturday night José Luis and I went to a reunión en la casa de una hermana (they get together at a different person´s house every sabado to have a worship service and eat). When it came time to eat, José Luis handed me two empty plates, told me to just give him whatever I got, and then went to sit down without saying another word. I gave him a funny look, until I realized that ONLY women were around the table fixing plates, no men. At many of the gatherings, many of the women (except for me) also spend the majority of their time pouring drink refills, making the coffee (which takes a lot longer here because they hardly ever have coffee makers), and washing dishes; rarely do they actually get to sit down and eat and enjoy their meal, poor things. (By the way, on this particular night there were only two choices of drinks--tea or coffee, yuck!--and I had no choice but to drink the yucky, unflavored hot tea because there was no water (1. ¡Qué lastima!))
Another custom here is that la gente almost always takes any food that is leftover. Whereas we Americans are begging to give away our leftovers at the end of a potluck or fellowship meal, Mexicans generally take away bowls and plates brimming with whatever food they can get, thinking it rude to refuse. So when someone came around with the extra tamales to give away, José Luis took one...and then put it on my plate. I said ¨Oh that´s okay, I don´t need anymore¨and gave it back to him. He gave it back to me, I gave it back to him. Finally he explained that ¨the women always take the food.¨ So he felt compelled to take a tamale he didn´t need so that he wouldn´t be rude, but he felt too embarrassed to carry it out himself. Ha ha ha!
This sign literally means not to go to the bathroom on the sidewalk:
The next day, Sunday, the preacher´s family shared with our class some of the snacks that didn´t get eaten el sabado. Normally by the time our class ends the other members have already started singing, so we have to hurry up and get downstairs as soon as possible. (There is no break between the class and the worship service here, and they start singing whenever the class ends--sometimes at 10:50, other times at 11:20.) Anytime we have snacks, some of the girls always want to stay and clean everything up first, and I always tell them not to worry about it, I will do everything afterwards, because we need to get downstairs. So I went on down and told them to come down too...but none of them did. I went back upstairs to see what the hold up was, and sure enough, they were still trying to throw away all the leftover popcorn and wash all the plates and dishes. (Oh, and another thing: they evidently can´t stand the thought of eating food right off of a napkin. Anytime I bring snacks I take napkins for them to pass around, but instead of passing the napkins, they run to the kitchen to get plates and serving platters. Tonight we had another little get together and since there were no plates, I started putting a handful of popcorn on a napkin just like I would do at home. One of the girls from my class just looked at me and said, ¨What are you doing? You´re supposed to use a cup!¨ Well, ha ha ha again.) I agree completely that anytime a group of people eat something they should clean up after themselves--but not to the point that they would miss the Lord´s Supper because they couldn´t wait just one to two more hours to do it afterwards.
After church, I started eating some candy and offered some to José Luis. He said, in all seriousness, ¨NO! After the meal!¨Well I felt like chucking one of the candies at his face and told him that he is ¨very traditional.¨ Then his family started to eat some spaghetti and chicken salad that Chantel and I had given them, and they wanted to eat the spaghetti cold and warm up the chicken salad. I told them they could if they wanted, but that we never eat it that way. Nevertheless, by the time we ate the spaghetti it was more or less cold and everyone gulped it up except for me, yet no one touched my yummy chicken salad.
I invited the girls from our Sunday morning class over to the house last Thursday, and none of them wanted to eat any of the food I had fixed either--save the brownies and cornbread. It really bothers me sometimes that Mexicans turn themselves off to other foods so much. I know there are lots of americanos who are picky eaters, but I do think that, as a whole, we are not afraid to try new foods. But they act like they won´t eat anything unless it has hot sauce and tortillas with it--or anything that looks remotely strange or foreign. If I had the same attitude as them, I would have starved myself to death living here a long time ago.
But enough about food! (Isn´t it funny that someting I like so much has been the source of so much of my frustration?) So nine girls came on Thursday, which is a really good turnout for the first time considering that about 15 muchachas come to church regularly. We played some games, laughed a lot, and really enjoyed ourselves. Most of the girls are really interested in getting together more often, so Chantel and I have considered inviting them over every two or three weeks--provided we can serve them food they´ll actually eat.
Well I´ve been so caught up talking about food and the women that I haven´t even begun to talk about my frustrations with my English classes yet--ay! The biggest problem I´m having right now is that many of the students are evidently losing interest in the class and aren´t coming as much. One of the ladies told me she hasn´t been coming because she needs new glasses and can´t see anything right now. I asked her to come anyway and told her she can at least listen and participate a little, but she has yet to return. She brings her daughter and three of her nieces to the class as well, so when she can´t come, they can´t come--and that´s a third of the class! Then when the other students see that a lot of the other students are absent, they, too, start to miss, thinking that it´s not such a big deal. I really wish they thought the class IS a big deal, but since we´re not at a regular ¨school,¨they don´t care anything about grades, and they´re busy with many other activities, they seem to view learning English more as something ¨extra¨than as a necessity. I think the attitude most of them have is that they really want to learn and go to the classes...until something better comes along. I´m really going to encourage them to stick with it until December (not much longer) and also give them a questionnaire to fill out to see what they really think of me and of the class, but the hard part is finding a day when all or most of them show up instead of just a handful. I want so badly to help them, but I feel like before I can really be effective, they first need to learn to help themselves (i.e. by coming to class, studying on their own, participating, finishing all the activities we do together, etc.)
Cultural dances like these are very common in el centro. Performers sometimes stand right in the middle of the sidewalk so that passerbys will have to stop and watch, thus allowing them to earn more money. I´m pretty sure that using the two young girl dancers was also a ploy to get more money. San Cristobal is known to have lots of hippies, as well.
By the way, I really don´t know much about the quality of education here--the same could probably be said of many students in the U.S.--but I´m discovering more and more that kids just don´t know how to think for themselves. I have four students age 12 or under, and anytime we do an activity that does not involve them copying something word for word from the board (which is pretty much constantly) they get a deer-in-the-headlights look and start asking all kinds of questions to the people sitting around them, then take twice as long to start as the other students and still try to copy my own examples word for word. Sometimes I specifically try to make it really easy for them, i.e. by writing a paragraph on the board and leaving blanks only in the parts to describe themselves, but even then they copy every letter I write and don´t write a thing on their own, even after I explain it to them several times. Then sometimes when I write something that they don´t need to copy, they automatically take out their pencils and start writing it down anyway. If I wrote ¨(The person´s name) is stupid,¨ they would probably copy that too, without reading or understanding a word of it. I know it´s not their age because I am accustomed to teaching students that age who can complete these same activities without any problems.
Tonight I went to David and Ani´s house to celebrate their son´s 3rd birthday. I was really looking forward to seeing my first Mexican birthday party but must admit that it was kind of a let down. Lots of people from church were there, but I´m pretty sure I´m the only one who took a gift--and the only one who didn´t take a Bible and hymn book. (How should I know they were going to have a worship service in the middle of the birthday party?) Like every time they meet together, they had three songs, a prayer, a sermon, three more songs, and another prayer. Please don´t get me wrong; I´m not trying to suggest that they should not worship when they celebrate someone´s birthday or that they should change the order of their worship; in fact, I like that they have so much zeal to meet so frequently throughout the week. I just think that at times it would be better for them to have classes, singing, prayers, or something other than a long sermon. But, who am I to judge? Anyway, after the worship service the women began serving food...but there were so many people and everyone was so crowded into the living room that we could not even move around to talk to other people. We ate tamales (like always), and if you´ve never had a tamale, they come with a giant papery material wrapped around them that you first have to unroll to get to the food. So while trying to unwrap the tamale and stick my fork in it on the tiny little desk I was already sharing with one other person, my whole plate fell right onto the floor. Now normally anytime that happens in the states, people laugh and joke, saying things like ¨Way to go!¨or ¨Smooth move, butterfingers!¨ But here, no one laughed and no one joked; they all just looked at me like, ¨I can´t believe she did that!¨ To make matters worse, I accidently caused a piece of cake to fall as well, as I was climbing onto the couch to take a picture of the entire group (I´m more or less the official church photographer now since I have a digital camera--ooohhhhh!) So naturally, I felt very embarrassed. I´ve heard that a tradition in Mexico is for the birthday person to stick his/her entire face in the cake before anyone else eats it, but Davicito cried and refused to do it, so I didn´t get to see that either. Oh well, the next time I guess.
I also became quite irate with a taxista yesterday. I told him as soon as I got in the car that I was going to ¨Mr. Taco, San Diego¨and he said ¨Está bien.¨ Then when we came to the first part of San Diego, he started asking me where it was. Well I really didn´t know how to tell him from where we were because he took a different route than I was used to. So I told him I really didn´t know for sure because I haven´t lived here for very long, but that I would let him know when I started to recognize it. Well he kept asking me ¨¿Donde está? ¿Donde está?¨anyway. I named some monuments it was close to, but he was supposedly not familiar with any of them either (and I don´t know how any taxista, new or experienced, could not be). Then about a minute later he said, ¨You can just get out here and walk.¨ I told him no way, becuase it was still pretty far away, and the whole reason I went in a taxi was to get there faster. Well I finally started to recognize the area and was able to lead him to Mr. Taco. I gave him 20 pesos like normal and started to get out, when he told me he was charging 25, ¨because he had to drive around a lot.¨ I told him that if he didn´t know where it was, he should have told me that when I first got in the car so that I could find a different taxista. Besides, he only went one block out of the way, at the most. So I refused to pay the extra 5 pesos and left in a huff. I hate it when people try to take advantage of Americans like that!
I haven´t been so busy that I haven´t been able to enjoy myself some, as well. This is a picture of José Luis and I in a little town called Chiapa Chorizo. We went to take a boat ride in a canyon but got there too we decided to go to this little town instead, and a man offered to take us on a short boat ride, just the two of us...and then took our picture for us.
I´m going to forego the Spanish this time because it´s late and I need to get up early...but I promise to include more words the next time!
(2.)¡Que Dios les bendiga!
Title: I still don´t understand the women...
1. What a shame
2. May God bless you all

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Algunas Buenas Noticias

2 of the main cathedrals in San Cristobal

Well it´s raining (1a.) gatos and (2a.) perros here in San Cristobal! The rain helps me sleep really well algunas noches, but I am really missing Tennessee sunshine--and a dryer. It seems that anytime I hang (1.) la ropa on el techo to dry, that´s an automatic signal for the rain to come blasting down with a vengeance. I´m going to keep this blog short since it seems that not many people are reading it now anyway. (Has everyone really already forgotten about me??)
Last week Chantel and I went to Ococingo to visit with Antonio (the director of the Sat. School there) and set up a bank account. Now Global Missions will be able to deposit dinero directly into that account instead of us having to travel to Ococingo each month to personally give it to Antonio. Each of the escuelas de los sabados continues to average about 15 estudiantes cada semana, including the newest one in Cacahoatan (close to the Guatemala border). Here is a picture of some of the students from the Ococingo school (on the left are the two girls who got baptized recently. They don´t speak any Spanish):

The members of the church in Ococingo are in the process of constructing a new (3a.) edificio. As you can probably see in the pictures, their current facility (where they also have the school), is quite small, with only two rooms, all dirt floors, and very little light.

In San Cristobal, members gave extra to pay for an addition, as well. The men are hoping to start construction this week to create more class space in the back of the building and finish by the end of the year. But when they finish really depends on how much help they have each week, since they are having to do everything entirely on their own. Currently there is only one classroom (for los niños), and for our Sunday morning clases de muchachas y muchachos, I teach in the hallway, while José Luis teaches the guys in the tiny kitchen. So while I´m teaching, our class faces multiple interruptions, from the booming guys´voices just a few feet away, the screaming babies, the latecomers who must walk right past us, the parents who bring their kids to class, and anyone who has to go to the (2.) baño (which is also in the kitchen). The classes are going really well and we have mostly adjusted to the surroundings, but nonetheless, we are very excited about the extra (3.) espacio.

On Thursday mornings a group of us has still been meeting to go door-knocking , as well. David told me he wants to do a lot of evangelizing so that the church can grow, and thus, the school can grow. Last week one of the ladies and I studied with a girl about 17 years old who lives by herself all week and goes to a different area to be with her family on the weekends. She was very interested in (4.) todo we shared with her. Unfortunately, since she goes to school at night and isn´t here on the weekends, she will not be able to come to church or the reuniones de jovenes.

Left: It´s not unusual to see dogs perched on the roof here (sometimes they stay up there all day). So you don´t have to worry about them chasing after you so much while you´re running or walking, but you do still have to listen to them bark ferociously at intruders.
Right: This is the road we drove on to visit the lady in Guatemala(which I wrote about in an earlier blog). She lives on top of a mountain, and this part of the road was still at the beginning of the drive--before it really got dangerous and scary.
By the way, we had another reunion de jovenes this past Saturday, and about twice as many came this time. Some of the girls preferred walking around and talking about boys than playing (5.) basquetbol o (6.) futbol, but at least they came : ) Then afterwards we went to surprise-visit one of the girls in our group who recently had (7.) cirugia and has not been able to come back to church yet. I don´t know if José Luis and I have anything to do with it or not, but I do feel like the group is growing and getting stronger. (8.) ¡Eso me hace muy feliz! More good news for the church here in San Cristobal is that el domingo some of our miembros witnessed tres (9.) bautismos at a nearby prison. Two of the men (one of them José Luis´(10.) padre) preach at the prison cada domingo en la manaña.

Ani (the preacher´s (11.) esposa) asked me last week if I would be able to start teaching the clase de niños on Wednesday nights. I agreed, so I am teaching every day now but Friday. But I love teaching and don´t feel too stressed out yet. Plus, each of my classes offers something unique. I know that if I were a first-year (12.) maestra in the U.S. right now, I would probably be working a lot more and sleeping a lot less. So other than a few students who really act like they´re only in mi clase because they have to be, my ¨fist year¨has really been quite satisfactory so far. The clase de niños might be a challenge, simply because there are so many niños of so many different (13.) edades (one two year-old, one three year-old, one four-year-old, etc., all the way up to age ten). Plus, like in El Salvador, there´s really no set tiempo for teaching; the class begins when the preacher starts the sermon and ends when most of the song service is over. So depending on how long the sermon is, the class could last anywhere from una hora a dos horas. But so far I have not had any major problemas. My English class has been more frustrating lately, but since I promised to keep this blog (14.) corto, I will wait and tell more about that (15.) la proxima vez...stay tuned...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read about the works taking place here. Please let me know if there´s anything else you would like to know that I have not mentioned or anything I can do to make the blog better.

Title: Some Good News
1a. cats
2a. dogs
1. clothes
2. bathroom
3a. building
3. space
4. all/everything
5. basketball
6. soccer
7. surgery
8. ¨That makes me very happy!¨
9. baptisms
10. dad/father
11. wife
12. teacher
13. ages
14. short
15. the next time

Las partes del cuerpo (the parts of the body):
cabeza (head)
orejas (ears)
ojos (eyes)
nariz (nose)
boca (mouth)
cuello (neck)
hombros (shoulders)
codos (elbows)
brazos (arms)
manos (hands)
estómago (stomach)
cadena (hip)
piernas (legs)
rodillas (knees)
pies (feet)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

¡Los estudiantes están volviendome loca! (Not really!)

Well I have officially exceeded my previous 6 week mark of how long I have been in a foreign country at one time. But mis clases are still going well, I have a wonderful novio, and I have a comfortable place to sleep and eat every day. I cannot complain. It seems that some of you have been having trouble leaving comments? Well I cannot do much to help, only walk you through the steps. Scroll down to the very end of that particular blog (past all the pictures and Spanish words). Click on the link that says ¨comments.¨ If other people have left comments already, you will see those on the left. There should be a box on the right that says ¨make a comment.¨ Just type in whatever you want to say, choose a user name (or post anonymously), and then publish the comment. If that still doesn´t work, then I really don´t know what to tell you. But just remember if you can´t figure out how to add a comment, you can always send an e-mail instead. Some people have also asked how to send money to me. The easiest thing would be to send it directly to Global Missions. I´m planning to add the address and website of Global Missions to my blog page for everyone´s convenience. Mail to Mexico is not very reliable (it might take 2 meses o más), and even if it did get to me, I do not have a bank account here.

My clase de inglés continues to grow (1.) cada día. I think it´s really (2.) irónico that I have had more people from la comunidad ask for (3.) información this past semana than in the whole three weeks when we actually had the fliers posted. And the fliers clearly said that the class starts on Sept. 17, so who knows how they even managed to find out about the classes or what they were thinking. Sometimes Mexicans just don´t make any sense. Then when I tell them that the other students already know a lot more and that it will be difficult for them in the beginning, they just look at me like, ¨So?¨
One of the biggest challenges I´ve had with the classes so far is that many Mexicans really do not take education very seriously--and especially not my class that meets in a private school for only three days a week and is practically free. They have continued coming after two weeks, so that in itself is enough to make me happy, but sometimes they don´t complete assignments when I ask them to (I guess they think I´m not going to bother checking anything even though I tell them I will), and they don´t study outside of class (even though that´s their only homework). I actually overheard one of my middle school students say that I am strict. (Ha! Can you imagine? I´d probably never hear that in the U.S.!) I try to tell myself that they are only hurting themselves by not completing the assignments or coming to class on time or studying on their own...but at the same time, I feel like foreign language teachers have so much pressure on them to perform well simply because of all the ignorant people en el mundo who think you really can speak una lengua after only three months of isolated classroom instruction. What a joke! I´ve been speaking español only when it´s absolutely (4.) necesario in order to help them get to that point, but some of them seem to tune me out as soon as I start speaking English and then expect me to translate everything for them afterwards.

I have also started teaching a class on Saturday mornings for the students who come here for Saturday school. None of those students speak Spanish as a first language; in fact, some of them don´t know any Spanish at all. And some of them never learned to read or write, a misfortune they too often use as an excuse for not even trying. So yes, the classes are frustrating at times. But even though I´ve been complaining a lot, the positives far outweigh the negatives and my students are really quite polite and well-disciplined.

¨Market day¨ at the Guatemala border (hence the super crowded streets). See the cool mountains in the background? El día del mercado a la frontera de Guatemala (la razón por mucha gente en las calles).

One of the cultural differences that has really made itself evident in each of my clases is that the people here, in general, are much more (5.) tímido--especially the women. Yes, I can be timid as well...but these (6.) chicas are much worse! That (7.) diferencia is not only manifested throughout the (8.) país, but within different ciudades, as well. (9.) Por ejemplo, I was originally having a hard time getting the girls in my Sunday morning class to speak up anytime I asked them something. I thought at first it might have been my poor pronunciation or the type of (10.) preguntas I asked that kept them from answering, but last week there were three girls in the class visiting from Tuxtla Gutierrez (that´s the closest big city, remember) who easily answered everything I asked, no hesitation. The students who come for classes on Saturdays live in a (11.) pueblo that, even though it is only 40 minutes away, is worlds (12.) diferente from San Cristobal. I have yet to visit that town, but from what I hear many of the citizens never went to school, they spend most of their days selling goods in the mercado, and just about everyone is indiginous (hence the reason español is not their primera lengua.) When I asked them to find someone they don´t know very well and introduce that person to the class, no one moved. Even after I made the pairs myself and practically led them by the arm to their partners, some of them still blushed and hid their faces behind their shawls, refusing to even make eye contact with the other person. Then I discovered that most of them did not even know each other´s names--and these are people who go to church together and ride 30 miles together cramped in the back of a pickup truck every week! So even though each of these areas are fairly close, I have concluded that the bigger the city, the more confident la gente.

For my class on Sunday mornings, we are talking each week about a different purpose we use our tongues for--(13.) bueno o (14.) malo. In addition to having a hard time getting las chicas to answer my questions or make comments, I have an especially hard time getting them to pray. I have told them that they need (15.) practicar praying out loud now while they have la oportunidad, that the prayer can be very simple, just a few words, that there is no reason to be afraid and that a different girl is going to pray every week...but nonethless, every time the end of class comes and I ask them those dreaded words of ¨who´s going to lead the prayer,¨ no one says a word. Instead, they immediately divert their eyes to the table, begin writing, or desperately look at someone else who will boldly take on the task and free them of the tension.

But little by little, I feel like we are making progress. Each week they speak up more, and a different girl talks who hasn´t said anything yet. They have also started to sit together in church and talk to each other more outside of class--one of the main goals all along. We did have our first young people´s outing last week since the Sun. morning classes took the place of our regular Saturday devotionals, and Jose Luis and I were a little disappointed that only 5 showed up. But since then more and more of the jovenes have asked when we´re going to get together again. So we can not let one día deter us from continuing to encourage them and spend time with them. Besides, I got to play soccer and basketball for about two hours straight, and I had a blast! I really think soccer is my new (16.) deporte favorito!

Well since I always try to include a good cultural story in every blog, some of you might enjoy hearing about the garbage collection here. That´s right--garbage. In our (17.) barrio the garbage truck comes around every martes y viernes. But most people here do not have good ole trash cans they can leave by the end of their yards on garbage day (in fact, most people here don´t have yards, either). So someone comes around ringing a cow bell when the garbage truck is a few miles away. Then, after hearing the bell (if they´re lucky enough to hear it--I still have a hard time telling the difference between the gas trucks and the cow bell!) (18.) todos los vecinos have about 15 (19.) minutos to gather up all the (20.) basura from the whole casa and take it across the street. Then they can´t just leave it there; they have to stand there until the truck comes by and throw the garbage in the truck themselves. Sometimes the truck comes within a few minutes, and sometimes it feels more like una hora. But if you aren´t standing on the corner exactly when the truck comes, you will miss your chance and have garbage smelling up your whole house until the following martes o viernes. Garbage day is quite the family affair. (21.)Niños of all ages (who should be in school at that time!) pour out of every house dragging bags, boxes, and buckets that are too heavy for them to carry and that are too full for their small size, with (22.) madres in aprons and dresses trailing close behind--sometimes down steep, rocky hills a half-mile long or more. Here is a picture of some of the ladies and kids from our neighborhood waiting for the garbage truck to come by:
Common Expressions:
¿Donde está el baño? (Where is the bathroom?)
Tengo hambre. (I am hungry.)
Tengo sed. (I am thirsty.)
Estoy cansado(a). (I am tired.)
¿Qué pasa? (What´s up/What´s going on?)
¿Qué tal? (What´s up/What´s going on?)
Buenos días. (Good morning.)
Buenas tardes. (Good afternoon.)
Buenas noches. (Good evening/good night.)
Lo siento. (I´m sorry.)
Con permiso. (Excuse me--when you´re wanting to pass by someone.)
¿Como te llamas? (What is your name?)
Me llamo (name). (My name is...)
¿Cuantos años tienes? (How old are you?)
Tengo (x) años. (I am (x) years old.)
Mucho gusto. (Nice to meet you.)
Igualmente. (Likewise.)
Que Dios le bendiga. (May God bless you.)
¡Salud! (Bless you--when someone sneezes.)

Sari (from church), Chantel and I at the Guatemala border--I told you I crossed the border on foot! Sari (de la iglesia), Chantel y yo a la frontera de Guatemala

Top 12 things I miss the most after living here 2 months now:

1. Hot water
2. Milk shakes
3. David and Andrew´s sermons
4. Biscuits and gravy (and pretty much all Southern food)
5. Songs in English
6. Heat
7. Bagles
8. Driving (but not Nashville traffic!)
9. Hollywood Video
10. Big, hearty breakfasts (especially from Cracker Barrel!)
11. Our 20 Something´s Class
12. Talking to David Burka and Grif about running

Spanish words:
1. each/every
2. ironic
3. information
4. necessary
5. timid/shy
6. girls
7. difference
8. country
9. For example
10. questions
11. town/village
12. different
13. good
14. bad
15. to practice
16. sport
17. neighborhood/section of the city
18. all the neighbors
19. minutes
20. trash/garbage
21. kids/children
22. moms/mothers

And of course, my family and friends. I didn´t put that because it´s a given. But don´t worry, I´m getting along just fine with everyone here.